ANACAPA ISLAND, CHANNEL ISLANDS NATIONAL PARK, CALIFORNIA — While the steep cliffs of West Anacapa are home to the largest breeding colony of endangered California brown pelicans, all the islets of Anacapa host the largest breeding colony of western gulls in the world. Western gulls begin their nesting efforts at the end of April, sometimes making their shallow nests just inches from island trails. Fluffy chicks hatch in May and June and fly away from the nest in July. It’s a special treat to see! Pictured is a parent and child gazing over a field of birds with their nests; and a seagull warns that we’ve gotten too close to its nest and speckled eggs beneath the bird’s feet.
How can you experience this natural wonder? The National Park Service’s concessionaire, Island Packers (, makes round-trip boat excursions to Anacapa Island daily from Ventura and Oxnard. Reservations are available for overnight camping on this primitive island.
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