Pictured: Oakland Zoo Lights
It’s become an annual tradition for many of California’s zoos to celebrate winter holidays with illuminating lights experiences. While the zoo occupants and famous, star animals seen and photographed by millions don’t participate in most of these events, they are the beneficiaries who get the meals they require and top medical care in one of the world’s most desirable places to live (California). Granted, the animals don’t really have a choice as to their residency but some are being saved from extinction through zoo programs that help them stay alive & thrive!
From glitzy attractions to reindeer interactions, special crafts, overnight campouts and special animal feedings, California’s zoos offer fantastic family entertainment this Winter. If zoos move you, then buy memberships, gifts in their shops, and/or donate to help them.
ALPINE: Alpine: Lions Tigers and Bears Holiday Open House
ATASCADERO: Charles Paddock Zoo Holiday Magic Dec.21, 2019
BAKERSFIELD: CALM Holiday Lights Nov.30, 2019-Jan.4, 2020
FRESNO: Fresno Chaffee Zoo Lights Nov.29-Dec.30
FOLSOM: Folsom Zoo Sanctuary Wild Nights, Holiday Lights Dec.6-30
LODI: Micke Grove Zoo Lights Dec.6-21
LOS ANGELES: LA Zoo Lights Nov.15, 2019-Jan.5, 2020
MERCED: Applegate Zoo Park Lights Before Christmas Dec.13-14
OAKLAND: Oakland ZooLights Dec.6, 2019-Jan.5, 2020
SACRAMENTO: Sacramento Zoo Holiday Magic Dec.14
SAN DIEGO: San Diego Zoo Jungle Bells Dec.13, 2019-Jan.5, 2020
SAN FRANCISCO: San Francisco Zoo Lights Nov.30-Dec.29
SAN MATEO: CuriOdyssey’s IlluminOdyssey – Winter Light Experience Nov.9, 2019-Jan.5, 2020
SANTA ANA: Santa Ana Zoo Snow Days with Critters Dec.14-15
SANTA BARBARA: Santa Barbara Zoo Snow Leopard Festival Dec.8
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