To read the reviews about Getti Up in Garberville, a colorful, bright red trimmed, burger drive-in, you’d think that life depended on getting that beef fix fast. People rate it extremely low because it is slow. Why do you think they call it Getti Up? There’s a statue of a horse reared on its heels next to the outdoor sheltered tables.
Located on Redwood Drive, an exit off Highway 101 on the Northern California Redwood Coast (approx. 4 hours 30 minutes north of San Francisco,) there are less than 1,000 people living in Garberville among the giant Redwoods. Getti Up is one of several restaurants serving locals and the tourism crowd– and it’s clear that people living among the forests along the Eel River aren’t about to have a cow over serving up their burgers in less than a minute. Why should they?
With a simple menu that offers traditional hamburgers, cheeseburgers, chicken patties, boca burgers, garden burgers and sides–french fries, salads, shakes and sodas, it’s not hard to figure out what to order. There’s also a drive through coffee kiosk. The unique aspect of this drive in restaurants is the car service with a car hop bringing a tray right to you so you don’t have to get out of your vehicle. The food is solid, well-cooked and tasty, and for that you may wait. Normal serve time is around 15 minutes, though some complain it takes longer.
I grew up in the Midwest and Getti Up reminds me of exactly what I remember from my youth. People move a little slower in some locales, mainly because there’s nothing that can’t wait–and nothing to rush home to. For road warriors with attitudes, part of the jouney is learning to slow down in order to experience a variety of lifestyles, foods and cultures. If you want a one minute burger, you can drive to Eureka an hour north of Garberville and eat at McDonald’s at the Bayshore Mall. But when cruising the Redwoods, take it slow & easy. Getti-up!
849 Redwood Dr.
Garberville, CA 95542