FORT BRAGG, CALIF.-Paul Bunyan Days is oversized fun with a BIG pancake breakfast, parade, and the burley lumberjack, Paul Bunyan, with his axe. If you recall, Bunyan and his Blue Ox, Babe, grew out of Canadian folk tales. Each year Fort Bragg hosts Paul Bunyan Days celebration that includes a 20' Axe Throw, Hand Chopping and Chain Saw Bucking contests. It takes place on Labor Day Weekend. See
Activities include:
Logging, Labor Day Parade, Ugly Dog Contest
Old Fashion Dress Review, Craft Show, Belle of the Redwoods
Pie Sale, Fish Fry, Labor Day BBQ, Logger Breakfast at Fort Bragg Grange
Fireman's Water-Fight & Ball
Horseshoe Tournament, Kangaroo Kort
Gem & Mineral Show
Classic Car Show
Footlighters Gaslight Gayeties
Walk in the Park, Steam Donkey Mile