Queen Mary is Real Deal for Halloween Haunts


In the world of Halloween hauntings, there are fabricated, artificial haunted attractions, and then there’s the real deal– Queen Mary ship in Long Beach, Calif., an authentic haunted place. The only major attraction in California dedicated solely to the authentic haunt experience during the “dark days” of the Halloween season is Queen Mary’s Dark Harbor which launched last weekend.

One of the best places to take a date, Dark Harbor utilizes the authentic haunted places on board the ship and the nearby grounds to provide a massive attraction that allows you to explore (in the dark) the famous haunted swimming pool where countless guests have heard the footsteps and giggles of a little girl who isn’t visible, boiler rooms, passageways, tunnels and mazes. A cast of creepy characters are lurking throughout the attraction, where you can spend an entire evening dining, enjoying cocktails, dancing to bands, and exploring the truly haunted Queen during her darkest nights.

The event is held in October. Ticket and group discounts are available online at queenmary.com.

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