We tell kids to stay away from strangers, especially in cars, but old habits “die” hard, especially when there's a hearse involved. The Trunk or Treat Halloween tradition is one of the most beloved in California–where cars rule. The icing on the cake is having a hearse to decorate for the annual Trunk or Treat in your city or town.
What is Trunk or Treat, you ask? It's a sanctioned event in which the participants are vetted…applications usually required to keep it safe. The participants decorate their car trunks in themes and the cars all gather and park at the designated spot to hand out candy to trick or treaters. It's really popular with organizations and in small towns where it would be impractical for kids to walk from home to home. In California, there are handful of Trunk or Treat events sponsored by cities and other such organizations. It's a practical way to provide the trick or treat experience for kids, and make sure all the participants have been checked out in advance.