San Jose, California Weather


San Jose, California provides comfortable year-round climate mixed with a few days of heat and a few days of cold each year. When you visit, the clothes you wear will depend on the season, the month and local variations. A few times each summer San Jose gets some hot days that are uncomfortable for locals, but most the time, the weather is really quite nice. Evenings in the summer are the perfect time for strolls and outdoor activities (skateboarding is popular in the state of the art skate park) while in the winter, a chill sets in the air at night and you usually need a lightweight coat.

Many of the older homes do not have air conditioning and residents actually can get by without it, as the weather is so pleasant. Golf and other outdoor sports are extremely popular in the mostly dry conditions in which it seldom rains during the summer months.

The highest temp was 109°F in 2000 and the lowest was 19°F in 1990.  On visits in the winter take long pants, jackets, and sweaters, and prepare to wear all of them, or if the days are pleasant, eliminate the sweater.  In the summer, be sure to take some lightweight clothing with short shirt sleeves so you'll stay cool. But do include a jacket for evening and night time wear.


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